
How to Stop Social Media Addiction

                   How to Stop Social Media Addiction Social Media //sō-shəl me-dia// " forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)" Addiction // e'dikshen// "(of a substance or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted. "      Social media addiction is a behavioral disorder in which teens or young adults become enthralled by social media and are unable to reduce or cease their consumption of online media despite clear negative consequences and severe drawbacks. While many teenagers engage in some form of online media on a daily basis (including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Vine, Snapchat, and video games), teen social media addiction is characterized by the combination of excessive media consumption, an increasing reliance on social media as a way to feel

Recommendation Letter

October, 26 2020 Muhammad Nefrit Mahardika Biology Teacher, 3 Senior High School Bandung 8 Belitung Street Bandung, Indonesia, 40113 To John Hopkins University Scholarship Committee, This letter is dedicated to recommend one of my students Rezqa Ridha Alamsyah to enroll in a scholarship at John Hopkins University in medical majors. He is one of my students at 3 Senior High School in Bandung, Indonesia. I'm his biology teacher, and I knew Rezqa since he was in Junior High. Now, I teach him biology in Senior High School. Based on my experience, Rezqa is a very diligent student. He always does his homework and task as best as he could. He usually joins some biologic competition too, from province to international. He is a quick learner and a responsible type of student. He says that his passion is to be a doctor. He wants to help others in need. Besides his academic skills, Rezqa is a chairman of the 3 Senior High School Basketball Club. He is so multitalented, he joins so many extrac

Ambitions, Goals, and Realizations

      Hello, y'all! Good to see you again here my readers. In this post, I want to introduce myself again here. My name is Muhammad Nefrit Mahardika, you can call me Prit or Yak or whatever you can call me but don't call me Nef or Nep, because I think it's annoying, lol. Now I'm in sophomore years on SMAN 3 Bandung. Now I have to balance my needs, academics, organization, and many more.         Now I'm in sophomore years, I usually think about my goals and dream. When I'm in elementary school, I used to want to be a doctor because that's my parent's ambitions. I realized that being a doctor is so much responsible, they have to saves someones or a dozen of people's life that didn't know something about us. So my ambitions to be a doctor stopped at 3th-grade elementary school because I don't think that I have that so much responsibility to be a doctor.       When my dad bought a computer, my interest in technology is getting much more. I used t

Giving and Asking Opinion

                    Paul and George is a really good friend since day one. They usually met each other at school, but they have not to talk to each other since they graduated from junior high, but during this pandemic, Paul has an idea to call his friend George and talk to him.  Paul: Hey, Georgie!! George: Hey, Pal!!. Where have you been Paul? Paul: Haha, Sorry, I'm very busy that day, I miss the moment we have, like playing band together. George: Yeah, I miss those old days, we did play band together with John and Ringo right. Haha, do you know where is John and Ringo now? Paul: Oh, now John is a musician that lived in New York, and Ringo now is a movie director. George: Oh wow, all my friends now having a successful life. I have no doubt why John now is a musician. Paul: Yeah, in my opinion, John guitar and piano skills are very good right, he is a maestro and musical prodigy I think. George: I know right, when in junior high, Ringo likes to watch movies and I think that is why

Career Dialogue

It’s been a month since I wrote recommended movies and series for quarantine. I’m not a freshman anymore, so maybe I want to write something on my blog more often than my freshman year. Now I have to study more than last year for preparing my college, I want to more focus on my study. And without any further ado, this is my English task for writing about suggestion and offer in dialogue. Tom who has graduated from his college one week ago, met his long lost high school friend Paul at the park while he strolled in the city park. Tom: Wait, Paul?. Do you remember me? Paul: Oh God, you’re Tom, right? Tom: Yeah bro, we haven’t met yet since we were in high school, I thought you don’t remember me Paul: No, of course, I remember you, we used to play in a band together remember? Tom: Yeah, those old times. Do you have some time? My house is near this park, I thought you could come there with me, it’s like a little reunion. Paul: Sure, Why can I don’t have time for my friend

Movie Recommendation

Movies or Netflix’s Serial for your Quarantine When the coronavirus outbreak happens in Indonesia, the government suggested us to stay at home during this outbreak. Yeah, it sucks to study at home, so many tasks during this quarantine. But I want to tell you about my movies or Netflix's serial recommendation, So you can’t get easily bored from this quarantine thing. 1.        Forrest Gump (1994)                 Forrest Gump movie is a drama-comedy movie from America, the main character of this film is Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks). This movie was released in the United States on July 6 th , 1994. Forrest Gump is a boy who grew up in Alabama, He is named after the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. When he was a child, he met young Elvis Presley in his neighborhood, and Forrest teaches his dances to Elvis and his dances become so phenomenal in rock and roll history. There are so many references or Allusion in this movie, such as the Vietnam War, Bubba-Gump Shrimp,

Allusion in Songs

What is Allusion? An allusion is a figure of speech, in which an object or circumstance from unrelated context is referred to as covertly or indirectly. It is left to the audience to make a direct connection. Where the connection is directly and explicitly stated by the author, it is instead usually termed a reference. There are four types of allusion Mythology Religion Literature Pop Culture Allusion in Song Task The song that I picked is Hammer to Fall by Queen                                                            Hammer to Fall Queen       By Queen “Here we stand or here we fall History won't care at all Make the bed, light the light yeah Lady Mercy  won't be home tonight, yeah” Lady Mercy                  This song is about nuclear war. There are some lyrics on this song that mentions “mushroom cloud”. Leading many to believe the “Hammer” on this title song is referring to the Soviet logo. According to the guitarist