Ambitions, Goals, and Realizations


    Hello, y'all! Good to see you again here my readers. In this post, I want to introduce myself again here. My name is Muhammad Nefrit Mahardika, you can call me Prit or Yak or whatever you can call me but don't call me Nef or Nep, because I think it's annoying, lol. Now I'm in sophomore years on SMAN 3 Bandung. Now I have to balance my needs, academics, organization, and many more. 

      Now I'm in sophomore years, I usually think about my goals and dream. When I'm in elementary school, I used to want to be a doctor because that's my parent's ambitions. I realized that being a doctor is so much responsible, they have to saves someones or a dozen of people's life that didn't know something about us. So my ambitions to be a doctor stopped at 3th-grade elementary school because I don't think that I have that so much responsibility to be a doctor. 

     When my dad bought a computer, my interest in technology is getting much more. I used to watch YouTube with my sister, browse on WorldWideWeb, and many more. From that, I think I have a passion for technological things. so when I graduate from elementary school, I started learning some code, commands, and python (not a snake, but a programming language). I did some research about technology, programming language, and how to make a web. My first web HTML is so messy, I don't know about CSS and JS that day. 

    One day, there is a man who flew his car into space, and his name is Elon Musk, He is a type of generalist man, what is a generalist? Generalist is a type of person who has a wide array of knowledge on some subjects. So basically he is not an expert in one subject, but he has some knowledge in all subjects. He invents PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX. He is my role model, I think he has some interest in technology like me, so when I grow up, I want to be like him. 

    When I'm in senior high, I think I have a big jump to pursue my dreams. I started studying some machine language, programming language, HTML, data language, and many more. Also now, my favorite subjects in senior high school are informatics, why? because I have an interest in technology since I was a child. Now my HTML coding language is getting better, and from now on I'm working on some website projects for my final in informatics subject. 

    Besides I have an interest in technology, I have an interest in music. I'd like to listen to music in every situation, my favorite genre is retro rock such as The Beatles. I usually learn some music with my guitar, and I usually record it. Why I don't want to be a musician? because my interest in music is just a hobby, not I want to do it for a living.

    People in my circle think I'm a fast learner, I think it's my strength to be a fast learner. I think they called me a fast learner just because I can study some subjects just before 3 hours of the exams started lol. I'm also bad at time management and multitasking, when I do something, I just focused on one thing, I cannot do two things n the same moment, so I think it is my weakness.

    When you looked back at my writing, I have an interest in technology and informatics. So I want to pursue my college study at STEI ITB (School of Technology Electro and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung). After I finished my bachelor's degree, I want to make some business about technology just like Elon Musk. Alternatively, I want to pursue my study at FK UI, and be a doctor, now I think being a doctor is not how brave you can take the risk are, but you have to build the responsibility to take that risk to be a doctor. 

    To achieve my goals is I have to study harder and harder, and don't forget to pray to Allah. That is all from me, there is one quote for us from the famous The Beatles vocalist and guitarist John Lennon

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream,
 A dream you dream together is reality"
-John Lennon


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